High quality 300 dpi color print of the original blueprints for the refitting of the Arctic Ranger into the Arctic Discoverer. By EZRA Inc., 1988. Print measures 24" x 36" and is identical in color and size to the original blueprint. It comes in a heavy mailing tube for protection. Original blueprint that this was copied from is in the museum. This blueprint shows the retrofitting of the Arctic Ranger to convert it into a treasure hunting beast! It shows the addition of GPS satellite thrusters, power units, a crane to move NEMO the robot and other gear around on the deck. The locations of the computer control room where NEMO took its commands from and much more.
A cool souvenir from this historic treasure hunting ship. Item comes with a letter of authenticity. Perfect to hang on the wall in your office or man cave.
$55.00, free shipping in continental USA
Currently sold out.